Soon after the Christian church started to organise itself in Jerusalem, many pressures and influences caused the Gospel to move out from the centre. This expansion was completely in line with Jesus’ charge to the disciples to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Some went to escape persecution, some went in response to the specific call of the Holy Spirit. But they all went with one message on their minds: Jesus the Messiah has provided forgiveness of sins. This series focusses on two evangelists in particular – Philip the Deacon and Paul the Apostle. These pioneer missionaries didn’t have the benefit of the New Testament to guide their efforts; they were breaking new ground and learning as they went along.
Messages in this series:
- Philip to Samaria – The ‘Why Not?’ Gospel
- Barnabus’s (Paul’s) First Expedition – A Series of Shocks
- Paul’s Second Expedition – A Series of Roadblocks
- Paul’s Third Expedition – Roots and Shoots
- Paul to Rome
MP3 series of 5 messages
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Product Code: GJ4MNG