Scandalous. Unbelievable. Unfair. Amazing. To truly understand grace is to call it all of these things. To model Christ’s example is to share this kind of grace with a world, a church, a community dying for it. “But grace,” you might say,”is a common concept for Christians. We sing, preach, talk about it more than any other word.” Though true, this question remains: are we dispensers of grace?
More astonishing than His miracles, writes Yancey, is Jesus’s gift of grace. “Christianity has a principle, ‘Hate the sin but love the sinner,’ which is more easily preached than practiced . . . Only by living in the stream of God’s grace will I find the strength to respond with God’s grace toward others.”
Pick up this engaging book and have your comfortable concepts of grace rattled and questioned. What’s more, brace yourself to rediscover the grace that changed your own eternal destiny. You’ll be challenged and encouraged to look at your world with new eyes, but you won’t be unchanged as you come face-to-face with how to live out God’s amazing grace in a cold, flinty world.
(304-page paperback book)