Are you engaging in unspiritual warfare?
Backbiting . . . infighting . . . picking sides. The brawls that often flare up in our churches can make today’s political mudslinging look like playground scuffles. Onlookers watching us from a distance could wonder how and why some of us call ourselves Christians.
What is it that makes us so ornery and nit-picking in our attitudes? Why so many petty fights and ugly quarrels? Why so little acceptance of others’ points of view? Aren’t we given the direct command to “preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”? What makes Christ’s bride forget those words and have so many verbal brawls?
In this booklet, Chuck Swindoll answers these questions with the wise words of Scripture, giving us practical principles both for quelling conflict in our own relationships with other believers and for helping others in the body of Christ defuse disharmony.
(36-page paperback booklet)