Insights on the Bible

Spending time with Christ and His Word is the most important routine you can cultivate in life. Preferably, every day! Like Pastor Chuck Swindoll has said in Good Morning, Lord, "I’m a real believer in spending some time every day doing what’s important rather than doing what’s urgent. I’ve made that a priority in my life."

But it’s easy to let the urgent shove aside the important, isn’t it? That’s why creating a routine of reading God’s Word requires sustained effort, discipline, and . . . help! To that end, Pastor Chuck and Insight for Living Ministries is committed to helping you in this most important life-long journey. Consistently reading through the Bible is truly a journey that is worth beginning right now if you haven’t already.

And here are just the tools you need! We are updating this page, and each Bible book’s overview page, throughout 2025. Important tools for the journey include:

  1. The Insight for Living UK mobile app where you can find multiple Bible-reading plans and instant access to corresponding Scripture readings, including Pastor Chuck’s favourite version, the New Living Translation.
  2. Pastor Chuck’s overview articles, charts, and sermons, which you can find by clicking the links for each Bible book below. It’s vital to get a snapshot of the book’s historical context, themes, and outline before reading through it. And don’t miss the maps page !
  3. A one-year reading plan that allots five days a week to take you through the whole Bible. Each day you’ll read from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs. On the mobile app, it's found under the'“Bible” icon. Download and print your own copy.
  4. The Insight for Living social media community! Connect with us on Facebook for encouragement, to receive insightful quotes, and to share what you’re learning.

Also, you might consider purchasing The Swindoll Study Bible, which is filled with helpful insights, articles, prayers, and applications from Pastor Chuck. If you want to dig deep into the Scriptures, grab a copy of his book detailing his Bible-study method called Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs. Learn how to observe, interpret, correlate, and apply God’s Word.

We’re excited to join you on this life-long journey!

In his sermon, “A Symphony for the Soul,” from his series God’s Masterwork, Chuck surveys all 66 books of God’s Word to prepare you for the journey.

In his sermon “An Important Interlude,” from his series God’s Masterwork, Chuck helps you transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament.