Getting to Know Pastor Chuck Swindoll
The more serious you become about personal Bible study, the more you will be aware of the importance of owning some good study tools. Numerous books are available today, some of which are listed below. You should form the habit of purchasing at least one study aid per month for your own library.
1. Bibles
It is best if you have a study Bible that has paragraph notations as well as footnotes that help you understand the difficult sections of Scripture. Thankfully, there are several excellent versions and paraphrases of the Bible available today, which will enlighten your understanding of the meaning of the biblical text.
Chuck recommends The Swindoll Study Bible which is based on the readable and reliable New Living Translation. This study Bible includes Chuck’s warm and personal style, insightful notes, unique background articles, biographical presentations, easy-to-understand timelines, and practical applications to make the Bible come alive.
In his own study, Chuck also uses the New American Standard Bible for its nearly word-for-word translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts into English. Other translations offer a looser, more contemporary rendering, which can be helpful to clarify meaning. Both styles are helpful as you seek a fuller, more complete grasp of the Holy Scriptures in your Bible study.
2. Concordances
A concordance is a must. It is an alphabetical listing of all the words in the Bible and of all the verses in which they appear.
- Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible or Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible are my preferences.
- Acquire an exhaustive concordance of the translation you use for study.
- Most good computer programs for Bible study (see No. 7) allow for multiple-word searches, including lexical searches in the original languages.
3. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- English—Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary or The Random House Dictionary of the English Language
- Bible—The New Unger's Bible Dictionary is the best.
- Theological—Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology is a good tool.
- Greek and Hebrew—Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
- Encyclopedia—The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (5 volumes) and International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (4 volumes) are excellent.
4. Geographical and Cultural Helps
- A good atlas is indispensable for understanding context. The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands is highly recommended. (Also, if you have not yet been to Israel, you should go!)
- Bible backgrounds—The New Unger's Bible Handbook, Halley's Bible Handbook, Merrill Tenney's New Testament Times: Understanding the World of the First Century, or Alfred Edersheim's Bible History: Old Testament
5. Bible Doctrine Books
- Systematic Theology by Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge, or Systematic Theology by Augustus H. Strong
- Biblical Theology of the New Testament by Charles C. Ryrie
- Major Bible Themes by Lewis Sperry Chafer—a good, concise book
6. Commentaries
- Surveys of the entire Bible—The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty (in two volumes, Old and New Testaments) is outstanding. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary is my preferred one-volume commentary.
- Expositional (verse by verse)—some of the best are by Donald G. Barnhouse, Kenneth S. Wuest, William R. Newell, R. C. H. Lenski, H. C. Leupold, William Barclay, John F. Walvoord, Arthur W. Pink, and Tyndale House
- Devotional—books by G. Campbell Morgan, F. B. Meyer, Alan Redpath, H. A. Ironside, and Charles R. Swindoll
- Analytical—books by W. Graham Scroggie and Merrill Tenney as well as the I. C. C. (International Critical Commentary) series (critical and tends toward the liberal side)
Concerning Commentaries:
- Best to purchase one of the entire Bible first
- Best to use different types in your study
- Best to consult them after your own personal study
- Best to read with discernment; don't be afraid to challenge or disagree
- An excellent volume by John Glynn, Commentary & Reference Survey, lists and explains the most popular and recommended commentaries (from various perspectives — evangelical, liberal, etc.) on every book of the Bible. It is helpful when you're looking for which commentary to buy . . . and which one not to buy.
7. Bible Study Computer Programs
- Logos Bible Software (for Mac and PC, Android, iOS)—see
An astounding assortment of commentaries, books, dictionaries, and tools allows for quick research on any passage or topic. Many of the recommended resources in this article are in the Logos library. - Accordance (for Mac and PC, Android, iOS)—see
Accordance offers Bibles, commentaries, lexicons, and a comprehensive library of materials and tools that can grow with your needs.
8. Web Sites
-—"In the last decade has grown to serve millions of people and ministries around the world through providing thousands of trustworthy resources for Bible study — including an exciting new translation of the Bible (the NET Bible)"—from their Web site.
-—" features photographs and descriptions of sites in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Greece with an emphasis on biblical archaeology, geography and history"—from their Web site.
9. Bible Study Methods
- Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs by Charles R. Swindoll
- Living by the Book by Howard G. and William D. Hendricks
- Independent Bible Study by Irving L. Jensen
- How to Study the Bible for Yourself by Tim LaHaye
- Methodical Bible Study by Robert A. Traina
The key ingredients to Chuck's sermons are his well-crafted principles and applications that he bases on the biblical text. These are the pillars upon which the message is built, and he spends the bulk of his study time in the quarry, chiselling out and polishing these statements. As you listen to his sermons, you may want to pick out the "principle and application" statements and note how he uses them in the sermon.
Chuck types all his sermon notes on about five or six half-sheets of paper and attaches his illustrations to the back. He almost always preaches from an expanded outline and rarely reads a manuscript from the pulpit. The outline stimulates his thoughts and keeps him on track. Sometimes he will read key sentences and quotes from his notes, but mostly he lets his thoughts flow from his heart naturally in order to preserve a conversational, down-to-earth tone.
Chuck's administrative assistant places his sermon notes (including illustrations) in packets and files them by series in alphabetical order. At Insight for Living Ministries, they transcribe all of his sermons and store them in a computer database so they can easily search for key words or phrases. Interestingly, Chuck doesn't use his own database to find illustrations or sermon material; he remembers them. Sometimes we have to ask him for the source of a certain illustration, and usually he can recall the book and author, even though it's been ten or fifteen years since he used the illustration. Quite a memory!
Chuck has a small, dark-brown cardboard box that he calls his "goody box," and whenever he reads something he likes (he is an avid reader), he copies the page and tosses it in the box. That's it! When he reads, he underlines sections that stand out to him and makes notes in the margins of his books. He puts the best material in his goody box, and he shelves the rest in his library.
Chuck essentially has two libraries. He keeps his working books—commentaries, character studies, word study books, and so forth—in his office, where he organises them by topic. He organises the rest of his books alphabetically by author. Chuck loves old, beautifully bound books. One of his favourite pastimes is to collect early editions of books by classic Christian authors and pastors. He also has a large number of biographies of influential leaders, such as Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill.
When we asked Chuck who his favourite writers are and what books have made an impact on his life, he said that the Bible, of course, and the following list has had significant meaning to him:
- John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress
- Winston Churchill, various writings
- Everett Harrison and Charles Pfeiffer, Wycliffe Bible Commentary
- C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (and other works)
- J. I. Packer, Knowing God
- Eugene H. Peterson, Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work
- A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament (6 volumes)
- Charles Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine
- J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership
- Francis A. Schaeffer, True Spirituality
- C. H. Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students (and other works)
- A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (and other works)
- Alexander Whyte, Bible Characters from the Old and New Testament (2 volumes)
- Warren H. Wiersbe, Listening to the Giants: A Guide to Good Reading and Great Preaching
- Philip Yancey and Paul Brand, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Because Chuck is already committed to Insight for Living Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Stonebriar Community Church, he has made it a firm policy to decline all speaking invitations not directly related to those three ministries.
Although we wish we could assist you with publishing or evaluating your writing, we cannot. Insight for Living Ministries is not a publisher in the commercial sense of the term. The only materials we publish are those written by Chuck or other Insight for Living Ministries staff members for the purpose of supporting the broadcasts. Chuck has been asked by the Insight for Living Ministries board of directors not to endorse other authors or ministries, and he declines virtually all requests for endorsement.
Due to his 100 per cent commitment to Insight for Living Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary, and to Stonebriar Community Church, as well as to his book-writing schedule and time with his family, it is impossible for him to add one more thing to his already overflowing plate. However, Dr Terry Boyle is dedicated to providing pastoral care to our listeners at Insight for Living UK. You can contact Terry by mail, phone, or through our Web Site. Insight for Living UK also has a customer service representative that would welcome praying for you.
For information on Insight for Living Ministries trips and future events, click on the Ministry tab and Conferences & Tours. Should you ever make a visit to the United States, he would also be happy to meet you at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. Please come by after one of the morning services and introduce yourself to him. He usually stays up at the front every Sunday, which gives folks a chance to speak with him and shake hands. Prior to your visit, you may want to call the church +1-469-252-5200 to find out whether or not he will be preaching on a particular day.
For many years of his ministry, especially since 1971 in Fullerton, California, Chuck exclusively used the New American Standard Version Ryrie Study Bible in his preaching. However, beginning in early 2013, after careful investigation, personal research, and discussions with those involved in the publishing of The New Living Translation, he has switched to that version of the Bible in his public ministry. Approximately 90 biblical scholars went to the original texts during the foundational work of their translation to guarantee the accuracy of their efforts.
These devoted individuals then pursued the best and most helpful ways to express the meaning of the biblical text in our English language, which resulted in a much more readable translation. Because Chuck’s threefold commitment remains the same (accuracy, clarity, and practicality), he desired to use a version of the Bible that did not require a seminary-trained scholar to understand it, and yet he wanted to make certain the version he used remained faithful and true to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Chuck has come to realise that The New Living Translation best serves his purpose in helping others realise how reliable, relevant, timeless and true God’s Word remains to this day.
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Bible Questions and Pastoral Care
Conferences & Tours
Usually, yes. The two main reasons we schedule the tour in the spring are the mild weather in Israel at that time and the availability of the Dallas Theological Seminary professors to participate during their spring break from teaching.
Yes, Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll are present at each conference and are excited about meeting each and every guest. Not only will you hear Chuck’s messages in person throughout the trip, but you’ll journey alongside a couple that truly loves the Lord with all of their heart and are the same on the airwaves and in print as in their daily lives. They’re worth getting to know!
Typically, cruises last seven to ten days, while tours are usually twelve to fourteen days.
Land tours require physical activity. You need to be in good health, able to climb stairs without assistance, walk at a modest pace for more than a mile, and able to transport your own luggage. On tours, be prepared for vigorous to strenuous walking, hiking of steps, and navigating uneven terrain; you will benefit greatly if you exercise and train prior to departure for these physical fitness requirements. Access at the touring sites is very limited for those who use a cane, walker, or wheelchair.
Cruises offer a more relaxed atmosphere, with a variety of activities available to you depending on your physical capabilities.
Costs fluctuate based on the market, destination of choice, programming, and so on. Please visit our Conferences and Tours Web page to learn the unique features and pricing details for each individual event. You will be redirected to the USA web site events page.
Refunds are available up to a certain point, though cancellation fees will apply. You’ll find the accurate information in the brochure for your specific event.
Chuck usually speaks six separate times on cruises and about nine times on tours.
We do have a time scheduled for baptisms performed in the Jordan River or the Sea of Galilee. However, Chuck does not perform the baptisms. One of the Dallas Theological Seminary professors will do the honours. Anyone who wants to be baptised is welcome! There is no need to schedule it in advance. It is arranged during the actual tour.
When you book your tour or cruise, Inspiration Cruises & Tours will send you a room-share programme agreement for to you fill out. This form will allow you to mark your preferences for roommates, as well as make you aware of useful information related to travelling with a roommate.
Copyrights & Permission Requests
If the source you are quoting is one of Chuck's trade books, your request for permission must be directed to the respective publisher. The same applies to requests to translate, adapt, or create a derivative work based on one of Chuck's trade books. Following are the names and addresses of the publishers of Chuck's books:
Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Attention: Permissions
PO Box 141000
Nashville, TN 37214-1000, U.S.A.
W Publishing Group
Attention: Permissions
PO Box 141000
Nashville, TN 37214-1000, U.S.A.
J. Countryman
c/o Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Attention: Permissions
PO Box 141000
Nashville, TN 37214-1000, U.S.A.
Zondervan Publishing House*
Attention: Rights and Permissions
5300 Patterson Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506, U.S.A
*Effective July 1993, Zondervan Publishing House assumed rights to any books of Chuck's that were formerly published by Multnomah Press.
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You are permitted to record Insight for Living broadcasts from the radio for your own personal use, but only on a short-term basis. Such recordings are not to be circulated, duplicated, or sold.
You may download the podcast to listen to at a later time, and you may burn the message onto compact disc for your own personal use. However, you may not reproduce copies to distribute or sell. If you wish to give away a podcast or MP3 as a gift, you have the option to purchase multiple quantities from our Web store.
No. We do not publish or publicly distribute written transcripts of Chuck’s messages under any circumstances.
Due to the wide variety of sources from which we get such requests and our limited resources to check each one, our policy is to decline the opportunity to swap Web content. We do not mind, however, if you provide a link on your Web site directing your constituents to the article as it appears on the Insight for Living Web site. Please e-mail your request. Kindly allow four to six weeks for a response.