Dear Friend,
Most people think of heaven as just another incomprehensible mystery. Many Christians might shrug when asked about it. After all, how are we supposed to explain something we don’t understand? More importantly, how can we hope for it?
I recall a discussion at a house group meeting, when the question “What comes to mind when you think of heaven?” was raised by our group leader. It was fascinating to hear the myriad of ideas shared amongst our group. So…what comes to your mind when you think of heaven? Vibrant colours? Beautiful sounds? Emotional reunions? Long chats with favourite Bible characters? Rubbing shoulders with old saints? Perhaps you’ve never thought about it.
What is heaven really like? Will animals be in heaven? What about those who can’t believe in Jesus—will they make it in? Will suicide keep someone outside the pearly gates?
These are the kind of questions people ask about heaven. And whilst we don’t have all the answers, God has given us glimpses into heaven through His Word—including the answers to each of the questions I have mentioned.
Insight for Living has gathered these answers, and many others, to create our featured resource for January called the Understanding Heaven Passport. This pocket-sized book offers clarity amid a cloud of confusing and misguided opinions about heaven, as well as tools to speak confidently and compassionately to those who may not know the Lord. This helpful resource is available only through Insight for Living UK.
The heart of our mission is helping people understand the Bible and apply it to life. As a result, we see countless lives changed. When you give to Insight for Living UK you help continue to make that happen. You help make it possible to broadcast clear Bible-teaching through the radio and Internet. You make it possible for us to create and offer resources like the Understanding Heaven Passport to put into your hands and the hands of others who also desire to know God and His Word better.
God’s Word is powerful. Its truth is transformational. When people have a clearer understanding of its truths—truths like what it says about heaven, lives are changed. Having a clearer view of heaven gives us more focused life here on earth!
Looking forward to heaven with you,
Scott B. Bean
Executive Director