God’s Masterwork, Volume 2: The Story of God’s People—A Survey of Joshua-Esther – A Classic Series


From: £21.50

In this practical series, covering the books of Joshua through Esther, Chuck Swindoll will provide a close-up look at the heights and depths of living in this world. From the heights of Joshua’s entrance into the land of promise to the depths of exile from the land, this series will trace the threads of faithfulness through the often faithless existence of God’s chosen people.

Messages in this series:

  1. Joshua: Triumph after Tragedy
  2. Judges: Recycled Misery
  3. Ruth: Interlude of Love
  4. 1 Samuel: Nation in Transition
  5. 2 Samuel: Ecstasy and Agony of a King
  6. 1 Kings: Solomon and a Civil War
  7. 2 Kings: From Compromise to Captivity
  8. 1 and 2 Chronicles: Reassurance of a Remnant
  9. Ezra: True Man of the Word
  10. Nehemiah: Softhearted Hard Hat
  11. Esther: Beauty and the Beast

Product Code: GM2MNG / GM2DNG

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