John 17:1–26
The hardest work we can do is “knee” work. We’ll find anything else easier to do than pray. Yet Jesus not only told us that men “ought to pray and not to lose heart” (Luke 18:1), He showed us by praying Himself. One with the Father, Jesus still felt the need to pray — and He prayed all the time. After the last meal Jesus shared with His disciples but before the soldiers came for Him in Gethsemane, Jesus let us eavesdrop on His talk with the Father. It is truly “the Lord’s Prayer.” Found in John 17, it is one of the most remarkable and longest intercessions in all of God’s Word.
Product Code: I08D04 / I08M04
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“Via Dolorosa,” Performed by Sandi Patty. Copyright ℗ 1989 by Word Records, Admin. by EMI CMG Publishing/Word Music (ASCAP). All rights are reserved worldwide. Used by permission. ALL SERMON CONTENT IS SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHTS AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER, CHARLES R. SWINDOLL, INC. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WORLDWIDE.