Bringing Grace Up Close


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1 Corinthians 15:6–10; 2 Corinthians 12:7 –10; 1 Peter 5:5–6

More than three hundred years ago, John Bunyan wrote his immortal work The Pilgrim’s Progress.  It’s the fascinating story of one man’s pilgrimage from earth to heaven and the numerous obstacles he encounters along the way. Those familiar with the story have no trouble remembering the pilgrim’s name: Christian. However, most don’t recall that Christian’s given name was Graceless. All of us who claim the name of Christ as Saviour have a similar story. Our name is now Christian, but it was not always so. Before Christ became part of our lives, we were people who lacked grace. Unfortunately, there are some whose names have been changed—who have believed in Christ as Saviour—and yet their lives remain graceless. As we begin this lesson, stop and ask yourself, Am I one of them? Keep your answer in mind as we discover together the impact grace can make in a person’s life . . . especially in areas where virtually everyone struggles.

Product Code: GRA2D11 / GRA2M11

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