Jesus was the Son of God and the Man of God. He walked the earth as any other person, but, through every word and action, He expressed the nature of God. The scenes recorded in John 6–14 portray a beautiful balance of Jesus’ humanity and divinity. He heals the lame man, feeds the hungry masses, stills the stormy sea, gives sight to the blind, and raises Lazarus from the dead. Such divine power, such human compassion!
John invites us to walk by Jesus’ side as He models love, grace, and humility. Place yourself in each scene. Grasp every detail. It’s impossible to closely follow Jesus and remain unchanged.
In these chapters, we find spiritual truths designed to leave their marks on our lives. Take them in and allow the Living Water and the Bread of Life to quench your thirsty heart and feed your hungry soul.
Messages in this series:
- God’s Specialty: Impossibilities
- Bread Delivered from Heaven
- Jesus in the Lions’ Den
- Letters in the Sand
- Reasons for Rejection
- Blind Men’s Bluff
- The Living Door
- Back from Beyond
- Seeking before Hiding
- Humility Personified
- How High Is Your A.Q.?
- Agape . . . Authentic Love
- Tranquil Words for Troubled Hearts
- Overcoming Fear
Product Code: FMGMNG / FMGDNG
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