Believing in Jesus Christ means Christ-followers must behave in a godly way. We are supposed live holy lives reflecting the holiness of the God who saved us. But, history has shown too many believers struggle with living a double-life. With one foot still planted in a godless culture, they try to find a grip in God’s truth, ending in disastrous results. James reminds Christians in His practical way, to keep ourselves from the spiritual pollution of the world. Among some of the topics in James teaches are about prejudice, improper speech, judging one another, leaving God out of one’s plans, and having a bitter spirit.
James calls us to live out our faith without any excuses. James teaches us that living out our faith is the result of believing in Christ. For many of us, James glues works to faith in an uncomfortable way. He shows us that genuine faith is inseparable from the works of faith. We cannot divorce how we live from what we believe without raising questions about our true belief. To separate faith from works creates suspicions of being an imposter. Perhaps some are uncomfortable with the book of James because we are comfortable with our double-life, even if we will not call it that. And we are bothered when we are challenged to reach a higher standard of behaviour.
This Bible study in James will help any Sunday school class, small group, or individual respond to the call that those who believe in Christ must live like Christ. He is our example to follow in holiness.