This Galatians Bible study challenges the way you think about the gospel message. Just like the ancient churches of Galatia, we often think that our good works can earn God’s favour. Paul’s emphatic words in the letter to the Galatians underscore how sinful that thinking is. God cannot be bought. Salvation is solely through the work of Christ. The included educational resources in this Bible study will help you not only learn the message of understanding the finished work of Christ in salvation, but you will learn how Paul’s letter fits within the entire scope of sacred Scripture.
The story of Scripture is the story of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The entire Bible points to this single glorious message: God has loved us and has sent his Son Jesus to deliver us from the guilt and condemnation of sin through his life, death and resurrection.
Our Galatians Bible Study demonstrates this is the reason why the message of Galatians is so important. First, Galatians presents the absolute necessity and sufficiency of the gospel in the daily expression of faith and practice of the Christian life. We learn that if the message of the Gospel is not at the core of everything we believe and do, our so-called Christianity is vain and doomed. The gospel is at stake. Our salvation is at stake.
We also learn how pervasive the tendency of the human heart is to abandon the truth of the word of God. This Galatians Bible study will serve as a guide that demonstrates that every Christian in every age, from the new convert to the apostle, struggles with the temptation of living and behaving in ways that deny the faith that he or she proclaims. Every Christian is tempted to try to gain divine approval on the basis of his or her behaviour.