1 Timothy 5:3–16
For the individual follower of Christ, the single most practical book in the Bible is probably James. For the church, it’s got to be 1 Timothy. It provides instructions on the duty of pastors (1:3–20), the priority of prayer (2:1–8), the role of women (2:9–15), the qualifications for elders and deacons (3:1–13), the why of ministry (3:14–16), how to spot false teaching (4:1–5), the need for godliness (4:6–10), the importance of public proclamation (5:11–16), and how to respect and reprimand members and leaders (5:1–2, 17–20). Paul even gets down to the nuts and bolts of how the church ought to treat widows (5:3–16). And what he says might surprise you.
Product Code: EMN2M14 / EMN2D14
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