Peter the apostle made a journey that took him down to Joppa. This is the old seaport where centuries before, the prophet Jonah had caught a ship to run away from God’s call. Jonah resisted because he didn’t like the idea of God being gracious to people that Jonah didn’t think deserved God’s grace.
And it was in Joppa that Peter had to learn a similar lesson. Similar in that God was still intending to extend grace to gentiles. But whereas Jonah ran because he didn’t think the gentiles were good enough, Peter wrestled with the conviction that he was too good for the gentiles. His scruples wouldn’t let him work with them. In Acts chapters nine and ten we find out that God’s grace isn’t intended only for an elite group of insiders. And that means rubbing shoulders with some outsiders!
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Product Code: GJ5M01