Crippled by regrets, weighed down with guilt, struggling through anxiety, or consumed with the desire to get even? You’re not alone. We all battle the temptations and effects that come with the sinful nature.
However, believers in Jesus Christ need not languish in such dire circumstances. This series, with messages such as “Clearing Away the Trash We Regret” and “Doing Right When You’ve Been Done Wrong,” points to a better way for Christians, a way that chooses righteousness over sin, freedom over bondage, and peace over strife.
(4 messages on 4 CDs)
Messages in this series:
- “Looking Back: Clearing Away the Trash We Regret” from the series Gaining a Fresh Perspective
- “Getting Past the Guilt of Your Past” from the series Family Matters
- “Getting Through the Tough Stuff of Anxiety” from the series Getting Through the Tough Stuff
- “Doing Right When You’ve Been Done Wrong” from the series Insights on Romans
Product Code: BO10DS