Preachers preach it. Teachers teach it. Theologians analyse it. Then we forget about it. Here, in an Insight for Living exclusive edition, is The Grace Awakening, Charles Swindoll’s best-selling classic that has awakened hundreds of thousands of readers to the untapped wonders of grace. Wonders that Christians know with their minds but forget with their hearts. Wonders that can make a difference in the way we live, in the way we approach life. Wonders that can make the difference between ho-hum religion and an intimate relationship with a God who wishes us nothing short of joy.
Included in this edition is The Grace Awakening Devotional, a month-long spiritual journey to help you explore the newfound freedom of God’s grace in your life. As you continue to experience the wonders of God’s inexhaustible grace, you’ll be awakened in new ways to everything God.
(415-page hardback book)