Solomon is described as the wisest man who ever lived. He petitioned God for wisdom, and his prayer was answered. Wisdom means making sound decisions; understanding the best way forward, holding to a course that pleases God and brings contentment. After three thousand years, Solomon still has a lot to say to us. His words are fresh because our issues and our influences aren’t new…in fact there’s nothing new under the sun!
What Solomon Says: A Biblical Approach to Contentment and Authority approaches two of the most pressing issues in our lives in the twenty-first century:
- How do we find joy?
- How can we have a good impact in our homes, at work, or in society at large?
If Solomon were to sit at your dinner table, wouldn’t you ask him how to be joyful? And wouldn’t you want to pick his brains about how to be an effective leader?
(32-page paperback booklet)