Excellence in Ministry: Starting Strong – Doing What’s Right in the Work of Ministry


From: £24.50

People are messy. Anyone involved in ministry can testify to that. But people are what ministry is all about. Serving people. Teaching people. Caring for people as Jesus did. Easy to say, difficult to do.

Chuck Swindoll’s series, Excellence in Ministry: Starting Strong – Doing What’s Right in the Work of Ministry, is the perfect guide to help you do the difficult task of ministry. In this series, Chuck provides answers and instruction on the pastor’s duties, the priority of prayer, the role of women, and how to find qualified leaders.

Messages in this series:

  1. The Church as God Planned It
  2. What’s a Pastor to Do?
  3. Undeserved Mercy for an Unbelieving Rabbi
  4. What’s First in a Meaningful Ministry?
  5. God’s Desire, Man’s Debt, Christ’s Payment
  6. What about Women in the Church?
  7. Checklist for Choosing Church Leaders
  8. Another Look at the Checklist
  9. The Dignity of Servanthood
  10. A Hope, a House, a Hymn

Product Code: EMN1MS / EMN1DS

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