When evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word. (Matthew 8:16)
Jesus knew the reality of demons. He healed numerous individuals afflicted with demon possession. The Bible even tells us He had a direct confrontation with Satan himself (Matthew 4:1-11). Yet while His encounters with the “dark side” inspire and encourage, they also raise significant questions for us today.
Where do demons come from? Are they still at work in our world? What influence do they have? Should we picture Satan around every corner, or is there some limit to his ability? Can a Christian be possessed by a demon? How can Christians overcome demonic influence in their lives?
Charles R. Swindoll tackles these confusing and controversial issues head on. He doesn’t shrink from the tough questions as he brings a practical, Bible-centred approach that both refreshes and points toward renewal. Freedom from Spiritual Bondage provides the biblical answers you’re looking for on this often neglected, often misunderstood issue.
(52 page paperback booklet)