Today's Broadcast

Today’s Devotional

Cool Skepticism

Nine-year-old Danny came bursting out of Sunday school like a wild stallion. His eyes were darting in every direction as he tried to locate either his mom or dad. Finally, after a quick search, he grabbed his daddy by the leg and yelled, “Man, that story of Moses and all those people crossing the Red Sea was great!” His father looked down, smiled, and asked the boy to tell him about it.

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Can I Get a Yes or No, God?

Discerning God’s will is a dilemma God’s people have wrestled with for centuries. How do we know we’re making the right choices? This series and study workbook offer solid direction.

Only God Sees the End

How is God operating in our lives? Can we really know? If so, How? Visit our topical page on God's Will to help guide you as you seek to know and follow God's will for your life.

A Clearer View of Heaven

A clear understanding of God's Word and its truths—like what it says about heaven, will help to change lives. Having a clearer view of heaven gives us more focused life here on earth!

Daring to Dream

Do you dream while you're awake? Pastor Chuck Swindoll thinks those are the most important kinds of dreams and can even result in some beautiful changes in your life.

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