Today's Broadcast

Today’s Devotional

The Blessings of Family

A FAMILY IS LIKE MANY THINGS, perhaps most like a garden. It needs time, attention, and cultivation. The sunshine of laughter and affirmation. It also needs the rains of difficulties, tense moments, and serious discussions about issues that matter. And there must be spadework, where hardness is broken loose and planting of fresh seeds is accomplished with lots of TLC. Someone recently passed on to me suggestions for fifteen rows worth planting:

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How to Produce Fruit

Deepen your understanding of Pastor Chuck’s messages on The Fruit of the Spirit with our new spiral-bound workbook and CD set. See what a life transformed by the Spirit looks like!

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The Fruit God Grows

How can we know if we’re really making progress in our spiritual walk? This list provided by Paul is a great place to start in seeing how much the Spirit controls our thoughts and actions.

Being Gentle at Heart

Often, it’s not advice or knowledge we need so much as a gentle touch from a caring soul. Pastor Chuck brings this truth home with a story that shows us how to stand out from others.

God’s Careful Pruning

Is God growing you in a way that feels painful right now? Pastor Chuck reflects on a lesson he learned about growth from a couple of fruit trees he once had in his garden.

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