Today's Broadcast

Today’s Devotional

Overcoming Envy

SHAKESPEARE CALLED IT “the green-eyed monster.” Bacon admitted it “keeps no holidays.” Horace declared that “tyrants never invented a greater torment.” Barrie said it “is the most corroding of the vices.” Sheridan referred to it in his play, The Critic, when he wrote, “There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as [this].” Philip Bailey, the eloquent English poet of yesteryear, vividly described it as “a coal [that] comes hissing hot from hell.”

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How to Produce Fruit

Deepen your understanding of Pastor Chuck’s messages on The Fruit of the Spirit with our new spiral-bound workbook and CD set. See what a life transformed by the Spirit looks like!

2024-09-Homepage Feature Resources-FOS-topical

The Fruit God Grows

How can we know if we’re really making progress in our spiritual walk? This list provided by Paul is a great place to start in seeing how much the Spirit controls our thoughts and actions.

Being Gentle at Heart

Often, it’s not advice or knowledge we need so much as a gentle touch from a caring soul. Pastor Chuck brings this truth home with a story that shows us how to stand out from others.

God’s Careful Pruning

Is God growing you in a way that feels painful right now? Pastor Chuck reflects on a lesson he learned about growth from a couple of fruit trees he once had in his garden.

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