Image of pastor training in Ethiopia.
God has opened the door for Insight for Living Ministries to train pastors in Ethiopia!

The Short History of IFLM Pastor Training

Since Pastor Chuck published his book Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs in 2016, IFLM has revamped our pastor-training initiative. We’re developing seminars and materials for pastors who desire further education but lack access to it.

Spearheaded by IFLM UK pastor and chief STS officer, Terry Boyle, we based our first volume and training seminar on Pastor Chuck’s Searching the Scriptures book. We want to equip church leaders to study the Bible at a deeper level to nourish themselves spiritually. Then they’ll be better equipped to deliver to their hearers nourishing, spiritual meals.

While we completed this curriculum in 2020, COVID-19 hindered our full launch of the programme. But now we are underway! The Searching the Scriptures pastor-training curriculum has been translated and used for in-person and online seminars by multiple IFLM regional pastors worldwide. Terry will soon complete the second volume of this curriculum, which is based on Pastor Chuck’s book Growing Deep in the Christian Life.

Christ is doing a great work on the continent of Africa. The church in Ethiopia is growing rapidly! Many of these church leaders hunger for further training in the Scriptures so they can faithfully and more effectively shepherd Christ’s people and proclaim His life-changing, hope-giving truth.

Image of STS book for Ethiopia pastors training.

Pastor Training in Ethiopia

Through a series of contacts with IFLM financial supporters enthusiastic about Vision 195 and Ethiopia, God orchestrated relationships between IFLM leaders and leaders within Ethiopia’s evangelical community. Led by StacieNicole Simmons, IFLM first traveled to Ethiopia in 2021, which ignited the planning of two pastor-training seminars in the summer of 2022. Before the seminars, our STS pastor-training curriculum was translated into Ethiopia’s national language, Amharic. Frew Tamrat, principal of the Evangelical Theological College, oversaw this translation work.

By God’s grace, the training was a success! Terry was able to train over 200 church leaders through back-to-back one-week seminars . . . and the work has only begun. Discover more about these pastor-training seminars in our newsletter:

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Rejoicing in God Who Causes the Growth

We’re excited to lock arms with the evangelical community in Ethiopia, which makes up approximately 20% of its population of 125 million. Starting in the autumn of 2022, Terry began training pastors online in preparation for another seminar that took place in January 2023.

Now, IFLM is looking for a regional pastor to translate more of Pastor Chuck’s Bible-teaching resources and to further equip church leaders with our pastor-training curriculum.

Please pray that Christ would:

  • Multiply the fruit of our pastor-training seminars in Ethiopia
  • Continually strengthen our relationships with evangelical leaders
  • Help us find and hire an Amharic-language pastor for IFLM’s ministry efforts in Ethiopia
  • Supply the financial resources to support an Amharic-language pastor and establish a regional office in Ethiopia

If you are excited about this open door from God and resonate with IFLM’s pastor-training initiative in Ethiopia, will you please give a generous financial contribution to fuel this spiritual work? As a registered charity, we rely on thoughtful donations and prayers from people like you to sustain and even increase our Bible-teaching efforts worldwide.

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If you do not wish to donate online, you may give your gift over the phone at +44 (0)1306 640156 or 0800 787 9364 or by mail at Insight for Living UK PO Box 553, Dorking, RH4 9EU.