Led by Grace

“Am I in God’s place?” Joseph asked them. Had he been a lesser man, he could have played “king of the mountain” and filled the role of God. “Grace killers” do that sort of thing. They exploit the power they have over others.

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Those Final Moments

Despite his age and infirmity, Jacob’s memory was nothing short of remarkable. He could name each one of his boys, and he could describe their individual natures and recall with pertinent detail the lives they had lived.

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Lasting Impact

Because Joseph had been a special son to Jacob, Joseph’s sons were special to their grandfather as well. The NIV study notes on this portion of the text state that Jacob, at his death, adopted Joseph’s first two children as his own.

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Final Promise

“Swear to me, Joseph—promise me this,” Jacob said. “Place your hand under my thigh and swear.” Making promises to the dying is nothing unusual. That is still done today.

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The Test of Integrity

The people came to Joseph with their hands empty and open, and he responded by upholding their dignity and treating them with respect. And keep in mind, he had everything, but they had nothing.

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Innovative Planning

Joseph had an innovative plan, something that had never been done before. “In order for the land to produce, we must spread out over this land,” he said. Prior to this they had been settled in only a few well-populated regions.

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Loyalty Test

Joseph efficiently thought through a plan of operation that would get his family settled. He rehearsed the plan with those who were involved and then, as we will see in a moment, presented the plans to his boss for final approval.

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Final Family Reunion

Think of what it must have been like. After more than two decades, Jacob once more held the son that he had given up for dead. After all he had been through, Joseph embraced his aging father—the man he had missed so much.

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God in the Move

Yes, old Jacob had learned some hard lessons about what happened when he did not talk with God and walk with God. Therefore, he wanted to be sure that God was in this. This was a big move for all the family.

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The Nature Within

Joseph’s brothers not only had plenty to eat on the way, but had also been given new clothing. They had all that they needed—and they once again had it in abundance!

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