
THE FOUR MONUMENTS OF HUMAN NATURE: Fortune, Fame, Power, Pleasure Built in clusters, making them appear formidable . . . and acceptable. As the idols in ancient Athens, our society is saturated with them. Fortune. How neatly it fits our times! Its inscription at the base is bold: “Get rich.” The figure in the statue is impressive—a hardworking young executive, a clever, diligent businessman unwilling to admit the greed behind his long hours and relentless drive.

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Show Some Heart

WEBSTER DEFINES THE WORD “cordial” as of or relating to the heart: vital, tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate, heartfelt, gracious. That’s really a mouthful; in fact, that’s worth a few minutes of our time together. Being cordial starts from the heart, as I see it. How do we project cordiality? In answer to that question, allow me to offer four special ingredients: 1. Warm smiles. Now lest you try, let me warn you against faking this. You don’t learn to smile by practicing in front of a mirror.

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The Gift of Admiration

YEARS AGO, when I pastored in California, an usher met me as I was leaving the church. He had been involved in counting the morning offering. He smiled as he walked up to me, stuck out his hand, and said, “I’ve got something for you. It came in the offering.” He handed me a note from a child who had been in our service. It read: TO PASTER CHUCK SWINDOL, I don’t think you know me but I shur know you. You are a very good speeker for Jesus Christ.

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A Source of All Comfort

You are never more like God when you are available to those who suffer. I urge you to be available for the long haul to that one who is grieving a devastating loss of a loved one.

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Ministering Together

In every ministry there are at least three essentials that produce an atmosphere of joyous cooperation. They are objectives, people, and places. First, whatever God plans, He pursues. That has to do with the ministry essential of objectives.

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Good and Bad Advice

Every person reading this chapter has been the recipient of bad advice. You listened as someone gave it to you. You followed the counsel you received and then suffered the consequences.

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Agreeing about Disagreements, Part Two

As much as we may pursue peace, and as positive and tactful as we may be, there will still be occasions when disagreements arise. As one wag put it, ”Life ain’t no exact science,” which brings me to the last two of four facts.

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A Few Actions That Signify Grace

I want to focus our attention today on the concluding verses in Romans 14. Read verse 19 slowly and thoughtfully. ”So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.”

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Refuge Wanted

People don’t want to listen to a recording of some sermon when the bottom drops out. They want a place to cry, a person to care, someone to bind up their wounds, someone to listen, the security of a few close, intimate friends.

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