Gratitude for God’s Guidance

O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; make Your way straight before me. (Psalm 5:8) Our Father, for centuries, You have used Your Word in the hearts of men and women in cultures and countries around this world. You have sent to difficult and obscure places faith-filled missionaries with the Word of God tucked away in their hearts. They have declared it, and You have blessed it.

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There is an important dimension to hanging tough that you dare not miss. It is the thing that keeps you going. I call it a dream. I don’t mean those things we experience at night while we’re asleep. No, by dream, I mean a God-given idea, plan, agenda, or goal that leads to God-honoring results.

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God is a God of freshness and change. But wait, before I leave that thought, let me make something very clear: God Himself isn’t changing, nor is His Son. He “is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). Isn’t that a great thought? God is no different this year than He was last year or a decade ago. Nor will He change one hundred years from now.

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If some corporate position is the god of your life, then something terrible occurs within when it is no longer a future possibility. If your career, however, is simply a part of God’s plan and you keep it in proper perspective, you can handle a demotion just as well as you can handle a promotion. It all depends on who’s first and what’s first.

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Doing vs. Being

My high school graduating class had its thirtieth anniversary reunion a number of summers ago. I’m sure they had a ball. A blast would better describe it, knowing that crowd. You gotta understand the east side of Houston back in the 1950s to have some idea of that explosive student body . . . a couple of thousand strong and a lot of ’em mean as a junkyard dog with a nail in his paw.

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He was brilliant. Clearly a child prodigy . . . the pride of Salzburg . . . a performer par excellence. At age five he wrote an advanced concerto for the harpsichord. Before he turned ten he had composed and published several violin sonatas and was playing from memory the best of Bach and Handel. Soon after his twelfth birthday he composed and conducted his own opera . . .

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Destination Unknown

Do you know where you are going? The place? Dublin, Ireland. The time? Toward the end of the nineteenth century. The event? A series of blistering attacks on Christianity, especially the “alleged resurrection” of Jesus of Nazareth. The person? Thomas Henry Huxley. You remember Huxley. Devoted disciple of Darwin. Famous biologist, teacher, and author. Defender of the theory of evolution.

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Things That Really Matter

IF YOU FOUND YOURSELF near the end of your days, close to death, who or what would you most want by your side? That’s a compelling question, isn’t it? I know that as I grow older, much that I once attended to and perhaps even worried over through the years means very little now that I’m in my eighth decade. In those times of rare but necessary reevaluation, what’s really important comes into clearer focus.

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The Case against Vanilla

I CANNOT IMAGINE ANYTHING more boring and less desirable than being poured into the mold of predictability. Few things interest me less than the routine, the expected, the status quo. A fresh run at life by an untried route will get my vote every time. Stay open-minded for a moment, and I’ll try to show you why.

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Destination Unknown

DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING? You remember Thomas Henry Huxley. Devoted disciple of Charles Darwin. Famous biologist, teacher, and author. Defender of the theory of evolution. Bold, convincing self-avowed humanist. Traveling lecturer. After another series of public assaults against truths Christians held sacred, Huxley was in a hurry to catch his train to the next city.

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