The Majesty of God

As I observe Psalm 8, three introductory observations leap off the page. First, it is a psalm of David, written under the Holy Spirit’s direction. These are not merely the idle reflections of a creative artist. He was given this song as a gift from God to humanity. These are the words of God. Second, I note the superscription “on the Gittith.” The etymology of this Hebrew term is a subject of debate among scholars.

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The Value of God’s Creatures

All of us need to be needed. We want to be wanted. God created us with a desire to know we can contribute something valuable and to have a significant impact in the lives of others. In years past, great men and women longed to leave their marks on the world, to create a legacy that would continue after they had passed away.

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God’s Shield against Discouragement

Sometimes we suffer discouragement because of difficult circumstances caused by no one in particular: natural disasters, disease, economic downturns, injury. Frequently, however, we suffer because enemies cause us harm and refuse to stop. That was David’s lament in Psalm 5. He knew discouragement can easily escalate into resentment, bitterness, hatred, and finally retaliation.

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Agents of God’s Will

Having reviewed the attributes of God, focusing on His sovereignty and goodness, David examines himself (Psalm 5:7–8). But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, at Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You. O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; make Your way straight before me.

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The Attributes of God

After the plea in Psalm 5:1–3, David begins to think through the day that spreads out before him, giving extra consideration to those he would encounter. His song addresses four specific realms of interest (Psalm 5:4–11). 1. David meditates on the Lord Himself (5:4–6). 2. David describes himself (5:7–8). 3. David describes his enemies (5:9–10). 4. David describes the righteous (5:11).

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The Psalmist’s Plea

Some psalms are difficult to outline; others easily lend themselves to an organized layout. Psalm 5 falls in the latter category. It begins with a plea (Psalm 5:1–3) directed to the Lord, whom David addresses, “O LORD . . . my King . . . my God . . . O LORD.” It concludes with a promise (5:12). Sandwiched between the plea and the promise are four descriptions.

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A Song of Circumstance

Songs are usually born out of surrounding circumstances that so affect the thinking of the composer, he cannot help but burst forth with a melody and an accompanying set of lyrics describing his plight. This is certainly the case with the blues and jazz of yesteryear as well as the old spirituals of days gone by and the romantic love songs of any era.

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A Life beyond Compare

The central lesson in Psalm 1 is this: there is not the slightest similarity between the spiritually accelerating life of the righteous and the slowly eroding life of the wicked. Take time to ponder the bold contrasts: Godly: Happiness many times over Ungodly: Not so! Godly: Uncompromised purity Ungodly: Driven by the wind

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The Ungodly Life

A key observation in Psalm1:4–6 is contrast. Don’t miss the many things that are quite the opposite from the preceding verses. “The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away.” “Not so!” That is exactly how verse 4 begins in the Hebrew Bible. It is an emphatic negative assertion. Literally, it says, “Not so, the wicked!”

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An Uncompromising Walk

As I read Psalm 1, three illustrations from the Bible flash into my mind. Two men flirted with evil, then fell; but there was one other who refused to begin a “walk in the counsel of the wicked.” The first two illustrations involve Lot and Samson; the third is Joseph. People the world over are familiar with Samson, whose life is best described in Proverbs 5:20–23:

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