The Tablet of Your Mind

Solomon recognized a tragic truth about humanity: we desperately want to do things our own way, and we hate being told what to do. As the prophet Isaiah wrote, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6 NIV1984). So Solomon urged his sons to avoid mistakes he had made, encouraging them to heed God’s Word and to make obedience a lifelong habit.

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God’s Incomparable Word

As David considers the impact of God’s written communication in the second section of Psalm 19, he’s prompted to appraise the value of Scripture. He uses two illustrations for the purpose of comparison: 1. Gold . . . fine gold (19:10). As the king of Israel, David knew the value of gold. He had plenty of it! And, like today, it was considered among the most precious of possessions.

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Bound to Memorize

Solomon offered several insights about the value of placing God’s Word at the center of our lives. Let’s begin with Proverbs 4:4, where the wise king recalled the instruction of his own father, David: Then he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast my words; Keep my commandments and live.” Take note of the words hold fast.

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God Is Not Silent

The heavens may declare God’s power and glory, but they do not declare His will or His plan and promise of salvation. God has communicated those marvelous truths only in His Word—the living Scriptures, the Bible. In a sudden shift in perspective, David turns from the general evidence of God’s creative power to the specific evidence of God’s desire for a relationship with people.

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Growing Deeper in the Scriptures

[Saturday] I stressed the value of memorizing God’s Word and talked about how doing so has benefited me in practical ways throughout the years. Memorization, however, is only one of many ways to interact with Scripture. First, we can hear Scripture. This is the simplest, least difficult method of learning the precepts and principles of the Bible.

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Where to Hide the Bible

Few things are more obvious and alarming in our times than biblical illiteracy. Even though the human mind can absorb an enormous amount of information, mental laziness remains a scandalous and undeniable trend in popular culture and even within the church. Fewer people than ever know the most basic contents of the Bible, and that was not the case until roughly fifty years ago.

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Let’s Dig Deeper

This week, let’s level our gun barrels at shallowness. Let’s allow the sayings we just read to speak out against our times with forceful relevance. I should warn you ahead of time, this may not be easy. Solomon has taken us into a mine shaft, as it were, to a place of hard work, but he will lead us to a valuable discovery.

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The Purpose of the Proverbs

As we open the book of Proverbs in order to discover divine wisdom for ourselves, an appropriate question to ask is, why? Why has God preserved these sayings down through the centuries? If we go back to the preamble of the book, we’ll find the answer. You might want to glance back over Proverbs 1:1–9. As I reflect on those words, I find five reasons God gave us this book of wisdom:

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This Means You

While we are getting better acquainted with the ancient sayings, I should mention that this is a book full of various kinds of people facing a variety of common challenges. Years ago I completed an in-depth analysis of Proverbs and was surprised to discover that the book includes more than 180 types or categories of people.

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True Wisdom

While much of the book of Proverbs came directly from the pen of Solomon, the finished work actually combines the wisdom of several sages, which a final editor compiled and arranged as we have it today. Ultimately, this is the work of the Holy Spirit. Like the sixty-six books of the Bible, Proverbs combines the writings of many human authors working under God’s direct inspiration.

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