Salt and Light

Ours is a tough, rugged, wicked world. Aggression, rebellion, violence, cutthroat competition, and retaliation abound. Not just internationally, but personally. What is true in the secret council chambers of nations is also true behind closed doors of homes. We are stubborn, warring people. Outside of riots and war, studies have concluded, the most dangerous place to be is in the American home! With domestic violence and child abuse on the rise in our hard, hostile society, one might wonder what possible influence the servants of Christ can have.

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Helping Each Other Up

Several years ago my family and I were invited to spend Thanksgiving weekend at a picturesque ski resort in Colorado with about five hundred single young adults, most of whom were staff personnel with Campus Crusade. I spoke all week on the subject of servanthood, emphasizing the importance of believers being those who help, encourage, affirm, and care for others.

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The Real Thing

I didn’t know what it was exactly that first drew me to Bob. More than anything else, I guess, there was something refreshingly unpretentious about him. He was devoted to the things of the Lord, no question, but it was never on parade, never for the purpose of public display. And I loved that.

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The Secret Place

The psalmist said, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” (Ps. 91:1). Do you have a place of shelter where you seek only His face? Do you spend time in that secret place? Have you given prayer the priority it deserves? And when you pray, do you remember that it is the Lord’s face you seek?

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Live Like It Today

When I think of fallen people, my mind returns to an ancient example, King Saul, the tall, dark, handsome monarch of the Hebrews. What an impressive specimen of humanity! He was the one of whom the Lord had said to Samuel, “Behold the man of whom I spoke to you! This one shall rule over My people” (1 Sam. 9:17).

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A Tree Fell in Fullerton

One year a large section of a tree fell not far from where we had lived for over twenty-two years. Within minutes several of us had gathered to grieve the loss. As I stood there staring in disbelief, the thought struck me, This happened only minutes ago . . . but it’s been in the process of happening for a long, long time. No tree just suddenly breaks apart. Once we were able to see beneath the thick bark at the break, it was obvious that some kind of killer disease had been at work for years.

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God Alone Knows Our Future

The longer we walk with the Lord, the more we realize that we really don’t know what each new day may bring. A phone call can come in the middle of the night shattering our joy. Suddenly everything changes. It’s amazing what a knock at the door can bring or what the opening of a letter can do.

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Trust God to Remember You

If you want to trust God to remember you, stop running and start waiting! “The LORD is good to those who wait for Him” (Lamentations 3:25a). Stop running! Wait patiently. Next, start seeking Him. “The LORD is good to those who seek Him” (v. 25b). So, instead of ignoring Him, return to His open arms and start seeking Him again.

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God’s Guidance

Many Christians complain that God doesn’t speak to them when they’re in need of guidance. For some reason they have forgotten the first and most basic way God leads His children—through His written Word!

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Goods vs. God

While we think we may be immune to the endless litany of television commercials, newspaper ads, our friends’ gadgets and gizmos, the constant admonition to spend, spend, spend, we Christians need to be alert to how Satan tempts us with the temporal. I’ll mention a few ways to avoid the magnetism of the cash register or the credit card.

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