
My younger daughter and I sat and stared in silence. It had been well over forty years since I’d seen the sight. For her, it was a first. It was a tiny, plain, unimpressive garage apartment, leaning and peeling with age. It was the place of my birth.

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I just looked up the definition of “thorough” in my dictionary. Mr. Webster says it means “carried through to completion, careful about detail, complete in all respects.” Somehow, I find that a convicting definition. Few indeed are those who finish what they start—and even fewer do a complete job of it when they do finish a task.

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The Forgotten Side of Success

Face it; we live in a success-saturated society. Right next to the books applauding our selfishness are dozens of bestsellers telling us how we can be more successful. Dozens of books and magazines every year, along with scores of DVDs and hundreds of seminars, offer new ideas and new motivation techniques that have the promise of prosperity. Success is big business. No wonder thinking like servants is so hard.

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I, Me, Mine, Myself

We constantly applaud the I-me-mine-myself philosophy in subtle as well as overt ways. We make books on the subject of selfishness bestsellers by buying them by the millions. We put the gifted on a pedestal and secretly (if not publicly) worship at their shrine. And we make every effort to “look out for number one” at all cost.

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Absolute Honesty

As honesty and real integrity characterize our lives, there will be no need to manipulate others. We’ll come to the place where all the substitutes will turn us off once we cultivate a taste for the genuine, the real.

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Genuine Humility

There’s something very authentic in Paul’s humility. Over and over we read similar words in his writings. I’m convinced that those who were instructed face-to-face by the man became increasingly more impressed with the living Christ and less impressed with Paul.

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Transparent Humanity

The great apostle Paul was just like you and me . . . he had a love for God blended with feet of clay. Great passion . . . and great weakness.

The longer I thought about this concept, the more evidence emerged from Scripture to support it. Read Paul’s words to the Corinthians . . .

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A Model Servant

I’ll be honest; I am not very concerned about which form of church government your church may embrace. However, I am immensely interested that everyone involved in that ministry (whether a leader or not) sees herself or himself as one who serves . . . and one who gives.

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Forgotten Words

Truth be told, even in our churches we tend to get so caught up in a success-and-size race that we lose sight of our primary calling as followers of Christ. The “celebrity syndrome” so present in our Christian thought and activities just doesn’t square with the attitudes and messages of Jesus.

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The Way Up Is Down

Journey back with me for a moment to one of the many scenes that demonstrated just how ordinary Jesus’s disciples were. What makes this account interesting is the presence of a mother of two of the disciples. She’s Mrs. Zebedee, wife of a Galilean fisherman and mother of James and John.

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